Tag Archive | Constitution

From the Archives: Mischief By Statute

From the Archives: Mischief By Statute

If there is no authority higher than the State, then the State effectively becomes the arbiter of all that is just and right. The danger of this autonomous humanistic State is that it will not be restrained from exercising despotic and tyrannical power over its citizenry because it has become accountable to no one but itself. Recognizing no divine limit to its function, it becomes the arbiter of morals as well as policies.

What if the Constitution Had Not Compromised on Slavery?

If there had been no compromise on the issue of slavery, the problem of slavery might still exist today, for without the compromise, there would have been no United States and no Civil War.

Mischief by Statute – a Prophetic view of the Role of the Supreme Court, from 1995

The Supreme Court is a Law Unto Itself – severed from the underlying principles of freedom, the nature of the Constitution, and the derivation of “rights” as the Founders understood them. This prophetic analysis of the Court’s behavior from 1995 leads directly to the decisions handed down in 2015.

Amazon, Pedophilia, and Censorship – It isn’t a Dirty Word

Censorship – It isn’t a Dirty Word. What is wrong with censorship? I’m all in favor of it. Censorship is not a dirty word. Liberals decry censorship as some kind of fascist plot to destroy personal freedoms and shut off political debate, and yes, censorship improperly used can do that. But there is a difference […]