Tag Archive | Obamacare

Esau’s Porridge: Federal Health Care and The Loss of Liberty

Esau’s Porridge: Federal Health Care and The Loss of Liberty Reprint from The Scholars Corner* – 1994 by Jefferis Kent Peterson The Founder’s of this nation raised the battle cry for liberty with the words oft repeated, “We have no king but Jesus!” But our contemporaries have abandoned our historical quest for freedom with a […]

Government as Savior: A Tower of Babel

God help us, for we have voted ourselves into this mess by deceiving the people into believing that government is truly our savior. That is an idolatry, like Babel, that God cannot allow. And the healing of it may be the destruction of the very idols in which we have placed our trust.

The Hobby Lobby Decision and What it Means for the Church

The Hobby Lobby decision shows the power of prayer when the people of God pray together in unity and with one voice. Liberty of conscience and freedom of religion is preserved and the Supreme Court avoided making the same mistake it made with Dred Scott.

Obamacare’s phony numbers? – Updated

How many of the 7.1 “enrollees” lost their insurance first due to Obamacare? How many already had insurance and switched? 7.1 have logged in but how many have purchased? This appears to be one giant shell game…
rising insurance premiums put the lie to the “Affordable” Care Act.

The Politics of Envy and a Culture of Greed

To covet is to desire to possess what rightfully belongs to another. It is not simply admiring what another has, but is the desire to take it. Covetousness is a form of greed. You don’t have to be rich to be greedy. You can be poor and greedy, and you can be poor and envy what others have. We now have an entire political party dedicated to stoking the fires of envy and greed, and its chief strategy is intent on dividing Americans by stirring up envy towards the rich. It also appeals to people’s greed