Tag Archive | Obama

Replacing Scalia, the Politics of Justice and The Role of the Supreme Court

Why are the nations in an uproar and the people wasting time in futile plans? – Psalm 2:1 The fact that there is such a looming fight over the replacement of Justice Antonin Scalia proves one thing: the Supreme Court has become a politically activist institution instead of the deliberative body the Founders intended and […]

Obama, Racism, and The Presidency

For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind. – Hosea 8:7 Let me first say that I have been a pastor in an all Black congregation (we didn’t call ourselves African-American back then… we called ourselves “Black” and were not ashamed of it!). Although I did not vote for him, I had […]

Why Going Over the Fiscal Cliff is a Good Idea… maybe…

The President is willing to go over the fiscal cliff. It might not be such a bad idea: taxes are raised, entitlements and defense are cut, and no one has to vote and offend their constituents. Austerity is forced upon us and we start with a lower baseline.

The Big Losers in Tuesday’s Election? Blue Blood Republicans. (Part 1)

Fiscal Conservatism and Blue Blood Republicanism was the big loser in Tuesday’s election. The majority of Americans voted against the “rich” and for more benefits for themselves.

The Politics of Envy and a Culture of Greed

To covet is to desire to possess what rightfully belongs to another. It is not simply admiring what another has, but is the desire to take it. Covetousness is a form of greed. You don’t have to be rich to be greedy. You can be poor and greedy, and you can be poor and envy what others have. We now have an entire political party dedicated to stoking the fires of envy and greed, and its chief strategy is intent on dividing Americans by stirring up envy towards the rich. It also appeals to people’s greed

Shovel Ready? Yes.. for Chinese Companies Taking Jobs from US Labor

President Obama’s Stimulus Money given to Chinese Companies.

Whitehouse Birth Certificate is Indeed a Forgery

The Obama Birth Certificate on the Whitehouse website has all the indications of being a forged document, with layers completely retained in Adobe Illustrator.