Tag Archive | Evangelism

God’s Sovereign Call

God’s Sovereign Call

Paul was called, Paul was chosen by the will of God. He was chosen against his will. He did not seek, ask, or desire. He was chosen by the Grace of God.
In fact, he was radically opposed to God and hated God. He fought God with all his might!

Where is the God of Beauty?

Where is the God of Beauty?

Sharon Herald > The Scholars Corner November 14, 1998 Where is the God of Beauty? 1998 by Jefferis Kent Peterson, I Sometimes we Christians are a boring lot. With intense and focused zeal we pound the drum, driving home the point of our latest cause with rhythmic fury. Whether that issue is politics or doctrine, […]

Burning the Qur’an (Koran)?

Does Burning the Koran send the right, or wrong, message? How does it compare to Paul’s method of Evangelism in Athens or the burning of sorcery books in Ephesus in Acts 19?