Tag Archive | Republican

Samson Agonistes – The Donald

“If I had my way, I would tear this whole building down.” – Samson and Delilah – Bob Weir, The Grateful Dead I don’t know if God has appointed Donald Trump to win the presidency. I know he is making a lot of people mad, but I see a lot of similarities to the Story […]

Replacing Scalia, the Politics of Justice and The Role of the Supreme Court

Why are the nations in an uproar and the people wasting time in futile plans? – Psalm 2:1 The fact that there is such a looming fight over the replacement of Justice Antonin Scalia proves one thing: the Supreme Court has become a politically activist institution instead of the deliberative body the Founders intended and […]

Google Starts to Act Like Republicans?!

Google was a huge Obama supporter. But they are moving their profits offshore to avoid paying taxes. Why are they acting exactly like Romney and Bain Capital, if what Romney was doing was so wrong? Did they callously donate just so that could use that influence to avoid inquiries into their tax avoidance schemes?

Why Going Over the Fiscal Cliff is a Good Idea… maybe…

The President is willing to go over the fiscal cliff. It might not be such a bad idea: taxes are raised, entitlements and defense are cut, and no one has to vote and offend their constituents. Austerity is forced upon us and we start with a lower baseline.

Why Republicans Have Nothing to Lose Over the Fiscal Cliff

With their backs up against the wall, the Republicans Have Nothing to Lose By Going Over the Fiscal Cliff

Taxing the Rich? Who is Rich?

The President wants to tax the rich so that they pay their “fair share.”

The problem I believe is that many people no longer think $250,000 a year is rich. The cost of living in NYC or D.C. or San Francisco with minimum housing at $500k, the cost of just living is really overwhelming.

The Big Losers in Tuesday’s Election? Social Conservatives (Part 2)

Social Conservatism appears to be a lost cause in American Politics, as does the Republican Party.

The Big Losers in Tuesday’s Election? Blue Blood Republicans. (Part 1)

Fiscal Conservatism and Blue Blood Republicanism was the big loser in Tuesday’s election. The majority of Americans voted against the “rich” and for more benefits for themselves.