Tag Archive | hate speech

The Left Has No Guardrails

The Left Has No Guardrails

Guardrails on a road serve the purpose of protecting you in dangerous places so that you don’t drive into a ditch or off a cliff. Guardrails are a safety mechanism to keep you on the road. If there is no centerline or white sideline, driving in the dark can be treacherous, and if there is […]

It Isn’t Hate Speech If It Is True

It Isn’t Hate Speech If It Is True

It isn’t hate speech if it is true. Apparently, according to YouTube and the slavish sycophants on the left, anything that dares to question transgender ideology is now classified as hate speech and can get you banned.  

The Search for Utopia… Cleansing History

Idealism is a powerful motivator, especially in the young. The desire for a just, even perfect society, is resident in almost all of us. I was brought up with the ideals of the American experiment: truth, justice and the American way. American, the land of the free and the home of the brave, was dedicated […]