It Isn’t Hate Speech If It Is True

It isn’t hate speech if it is true. Apparently, according to YouTube and the slavish sycophants on the left, anything that dares to question transgender ideology is now classified as hate speech and can get you banned.  Facts are facts, and feelings are feelings, but feelings are not facts.  How a person feels about themselves, or others, or reality itself, does not make it true. It is a projection of a thought process and an expression of internal motivations that speak to a person’s perceptions about the world or to one’s self-perception. But as with any feeling or thought, a person is liable to deception, especially self-deception.  Believing something does not make it true. You can believe the earth is flat, but that does not make your belief true. It makes you a denier of reality.  

The facts are that 99.9% of all human beings are born with either XX or XY chromosomes. The former makes them genetically and materially female, and the latter, male.  Reality is not pliable. Beliefs contrary to reality are symptoms of psychosis, not liberation. No matter how much one asserts they are something other than their DNA, their assertions do not make a difference to the cold, hard reality of facts or science.   

Rather than dealing with reality, we are now dealing with an ideological /political, religious dogma being forced upon everyone who dares to question the prevailing narrative in the media, in government, the schools, or politics. This movement is trying to silence every sane person through fear and intimidation so that they will shut up and not speak out about an obvious truth: there are only 2 genders. The fact that this movement cannot stand to hear a challenge or freaks out at any disagreement is proof of their inability to face reality and of the inherent weakness of their beliefs. What is worse, rather than a respect for free speech and disagreements, this movement wants to shut down and cancel anyone who dares speak the truth.    It reminds me of a little child who sticks his fingers in his ears and starts yelling “nana nana nana na” in order not to hear what someone is saying.  

The attempt to force others to use clearly non-scientific pronouns is a violation of the 1stAmendment in 4 different ways.  

  1. It is preventing others from exercising free speech.
  2. It is an attempt to promote a belief system (a religious ideology) on others, and therefore is an establishment of religion if ordered by a government agency, public school, state or federal institution. The fact that the Biden administration is trying to establish transgenderism in the military and preventing religious disagreement, is also an establishment of religion. 
  3. By promoting a belief system and forbidding disagreement,  it is preventing the free exercise of religion in others. 
  4. It is forcing speech contrary to one’s belief under threat of lawsuit, job loss, or persecution by the courts. Therefore it is coercive establishment of religion.

The First Amendment:  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


5 comments on “It Isn’t Hate Speech If It Is True

  1. Hard to see anything remotely close to a religion. Just fellow citizens expressing themselves as they are allowed to do. We live in a free country, one which protects liberty and individual rights. So if you want to wear a dress, wear a dress. Express your identity how you choose. That has no impact on me, or my rights, so the Constitution protects your right to do so. As to the science, yes, just two types of chromosomes. But lots of DNA letters. And science tells us people are born in six combinations of sexual manifestation…with female or male external and internal parts. Rare, crazy, but it happens. And science can address it. I just don’t see any crisis here.

    • Well, getting banned for disagreement on social media isn’t a problem for you? Not allowed to express your beliefs without getting banned isn’t a problem? Preventing and prosecuting parents for preventing their pre-teens from gender altering surgery and hormone blockers isn’t problem for you? Also, religion is a set of beliefs as defined by the Supreme Court. It isn’t an about a deity. Atheism is considered a religion by the Supreme Court. A belief system is ipso facto a religious belief about the nature of reality. To enforce compliance with this in the military or corporations is an imposition of al alternate belief system, hence a religious ideology, on the citizens by the state, and is an establishment.

      • People express all kinds of opinions on social media without being banned. Who is getting banned? The only bans I am aware of are expressions of opinion which are dangerous to others. Parents have every ability to prevent their pre-teens from gender altering surgery and hormone blockers, until the child becomes an adult. Nor should they be blocked from such if they feel it is in the child’s best interest, although I would caution against anything permanent because kids change as they grow older. But that is the parent’s decision. Not the state’s. The Supreme Court might define atheism as a religion, but the common man would not. Corporations are and should be free to act as they please, as long as they don’t violate my individual rights. And the military should be able to make decisions that enhance and protect our national security without some idiot in the Senate impairing such by trying to force his religious beliefs on others.

      • Apparently you didn’t read the links. John MacArthur’s Youtube post was banned because he stated that there are only 2 genders. And you didn’t know about the California law, passed by both houses, which would allow the state to take children away from parents who refused to give their minor children “gender affirming care” which included hormone blockers and surgery? It was only reluctantly vetoed by Newsome, probably because he knew it would ruin his chances as president, but it was that close of a state imposition to take away the parents’ choice.
        Again, I quote the Supreme Court:
        In Torcaso v. Watkins the Supreme Court “found” secular humanism to be a religion. In footnote 11 it says: “Among religions in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God are Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism and others.”
        In other words, a functional definition describes religion as “a set of beliefs, actions and emotions, both personal and corporate, organized around the concept of an Ultimate Reality. This Reality may be understood as a unity or a plurality, personal or nonpersonal, divine or not, and so forth, differing from religion to religion.” (Michael Peterson, William Hasker, Bruce Reichenbach, and David Basinger, Reason and Religious Belief: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), p. 4.) Such a definition clearly encompasses the worldview of Secular Humanism.
        Therefore, if a state requires one to affirm transgender ideology, refuses to allow people to use proper pronouns, it would violate the 1st Amendment. England has no such protection and people are regularly arrested and sued for refusing to use someone’s self-identified pronoun. It appears Canada is on the same track. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12631243/Deliberately-calling-wrong-gender-pronouns-land-jail-TWO-YEARS-Labour.html https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/enoch-burke-teacher-transgender-pronouns-b2268405.html
        And is now happening in the USA: https://apnews.com/article/indiana-teacher-lawsuit-transgender-student-names-883b50e19088614d71df25f0f835ed08#:~:text=CHICAGO%20(AP)%20—%20An%20Indiana,in%20an%20order%20released%20Friday.

        Clearly, forcing people in a public institution to violate their beliefs in reality, in order to satisfy someone else’s feelings is an imposition by the state of a belief system and according to the Supreme Court, is an establishment religion. It is enforcing speech that is contrary to facts and science and therefore violating free speech. It is also classifying another’s belief in the order of Creation as hate speech or intimidation, which it is not. It is actually just being sane in the midst of global insanity.

      • You clearly are more informed than I am on this subject. I yield.

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